Taste the Mastery
Date: 29/06/2023
Time: 16:00-17:30
Presenter: MW Winemakers
This unique tasting, at which Masters of Wine winemakers serve their own wines, is not only a celebration of the international nature of the Institute but also of the specialised talents of a number of its members. The IMW has 76 members who consider themselves winemakers and today you will have a chance to meet 36 of them. Today there are 415 Masters of Wine working in 31 countries. The membership encompasses most professions in the international wine industry, including wine-buyers, journalists, shippers, business owners, consultants, academics and wine educators. The tasting allows you to sample 72 wines from a wide range of geographies and winemaking approaches. MW winemaking expertise from 12 countries is represented today including Australia, Austria, France, Israel, Germany and Spain. Winemakers have been ordered geographically. We hope you enjoy this unique opportunity.