Ried Rosenberg 1ÖTW 2019
Analytical data
Vineyard: Ried Rosenberg
Ried Rosenberg is a vineyard that is exposed to the south but sheltered from the wind, it is surrounded by cooling deciduous forests. The vineyards climb from an elevation of around 210 metres to the top gravel bar of the Schüttenberg at around 280 metres. They are primarily south-facing, but some also face south-west. The substratum in the deeper parts of the Ried is made up of the clays, silts and sands of the former Lake Pannon. The soils are calcareous and allows deep rooting. In the Late Miocene, around 9 million years ago, the region was an extensive lake and river landscape with riparian forests. In the smaller Ried, in the upper section of this Ried, the vines are rooted in the gravel peak of the Arbesthaler Hills. This bar comprises two different levels of Danube gravel with coarse pebbles. The first layer lies roughly 130 metres above the present-day course of the Danube while the second, more easterly layer, lies around 105 metres above today’s river. Here, the soil is lime-deficient to non-calcareous, dry and scattered with well-rounded gravel. Vineyards are already recorded at this location on the Administrativkarte 1:28,800 (administrative map, 1864–1881).